ukiran kayu sekarang bersih
debu-debu terbang hilang
cuma beberapa cuil kertas putih
yang mengisi waktu dan ruang
kipas angin menerbangkan
sehelai rambut di bawah mata
tapi tetap saja tawamu yang spontan
menempel di dalam kepala
hey, aku ingin kau tahu
bahwa ada yang berubah
aku menjadi sesosok jiwa baru
itu semua kau yang buat ulah
apa kau sudah tahu, sayang?
ini hati berubah karenamu
jangan biarkan cinta hilang
karena jika demikian,
aku cuma menjadi cahaya bulan remang
yang memantul di danaumu
Pilot yang Dihukum
16 years ago
hmm...karyamu...bener2 membuatku terhanyut...
salut dari hati..
terus berkarya...
sukses slalu ya....
Mba, koq jarang nulis lagi, kangen ni... buat melunakkan hati yang terkeraskan oleh hidup :)
@imam pamungkazz:
makasih ya,, saya akan berusaha lebih baik lagi.
@baroqah anton:
iya ni, lgi (sok) sibuk dulu. belajar apa? photoshop?! hehe
Gen, kok lama ga nulis?
@mamuelek: hehe.. udah dijawab di atas kok ^^
uhmmm,,nice poem...
mungkin bs tar gw jadiin lagu
salam kenal jg ya..
yg rajin posting dunk!
Gen, I didn't understand what you wrote...but whatever it be, it's good...better than mine anyways...a lot better...stay in touch. mwah. and see my poems and articles. I wrote one article, Unreal Existence (Master of the Pen) remember you once told me that? So I wrote it. Take care. And do try translating your works in English :-( Please? :-(
Gen, I didn't understand what you wrote...but whatever it be, it's good...better than mine anyways...a lot better...stay in touch. mwah. and see my poems and articles. I wrote one article, Unreal Existence (Master of the Pen) remember you once told me that? So I wrote it. Take care. And do try translating your works in English :-( Please? :-(
lol! I didn't know I posted two same comments. This one's not the same though B-) Mistake! :-p Yeah...serious. :-D Take care. Miss you.
And finally, I could leave a message on your blog...on previous times, I just couldn't. :-s Take care. :-*
@Ankga theapril: oiya makasi advicenya, entar coba manage waktu.
@pratik: i'm so surprised we met here. it takes much time to translate all my works in english. u know i can't use those Elizabethan words, ere, thee, art, thou and many other... remember "no matter thou art so far"? what a mess..
i have read your articles, and yes u're still my best, master of the pen, the greatest poet i have ever met. keep writing. update your blog, OK?. take care..
karya yang indah...
salut untukmu
I've been reading your works, translating as you said, and I love it...thanks...I may or might not be the master of the pen. Leave me a comment on my blog so that I can read it...K? You too. Keep writing.
I might be far, but I can still see you...feel you...we look at the same sun, feel it's warmth and heat...we see the same moon on the same cloud and feel the same how are we far? Tell me. Write on my blog.
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